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Central Registration

Welcome! If you are NEW TO SAUGERTIES and looking to register your student(s) for public school:
Click here to register online

If you wish to complete and submit a paper application, registration is by appointment only.

New Student Regisration Application (English)

New Student Registration Application (Spanish)

Required Documentation

  • Proof of Residency: You must provide two (2) original copies that are current, and must contain the name of the parent/guardian and the physical address of the residence. A list of acceptable documents is below.
    • Residential lease, deed, mortgage or other proof of home ownership

    • Notarized or signed statement or affidavit from a third party landlord, owner or tenant with whom you are sharing property

    • Notarized or signed statement from a third party establishing your physical presence in the District

    • Utility and/or home service bill (water, electric, gas, propane, oil, refuse/garbage, cable, phone)

    • Insurance Policy (home owners, rental) - identifying your name and address

    • Property or School tax bill

    • Pay stub

    • Income tax form

    • Membership documents based upon residency

    • Voter registration documents

    • Driver’s license, learner’s permit or non-driver identification

    • State or other government issued identification

    • Documents issued by federal, state or local agencies (e.g., local social services agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement)

    • Evidence of custody of the child, including but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship papers that demonstrate residency
      The District will consider any type of document submitted in order to evaluate residency.

  •  Proof of Date of Birth: The child’s birth certificate or passport
  •  Immunization Record/Health Examination (Physical)/Dental Form (requested)
    • Public Health Law 2164 requires immunizations be received prior to a child being allowed to attend school.
    • Click here for NYS required vaccines
  •  Photo I.D. of the Parent/Guardian: Government issued Driver’s License or Non-Driver I.D. with name and photo
  • Custody Papers: If applicable are required
  • Academic Records: Including transcripts, recent report cards and any Special Education Plans will be requested from previous school (if applicable). If your child has received special education service or accommodation through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a Section 504, please provide a copy of the plan.

contact us

To email an employee, use the email listed, followed by

Heidi Stock
Educational Data Facilitator
(845) 247-6550 Ext 9211
Email: hstock

Megan Wright ~ habla español
School Advocacy Specialist
(845)247-6800 Ext 4105
Email: mwright1

The registration office is located at:
310 Washington Avenue Ext Saugerties, NY 12477
(The Hildebrandt building behind Saugerties High School)

Existing Families  -

Enroll an additional student into your household via your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.

Infinite Campus Logo

Login > Home > More > Online Registration Update

If you intend to Home School your child(ren) - please contact:
(845) 247-6920 Ext. 6705
Email: smckinney1