Buildings and Grounds
The Saugerties Buildings and Grounds Department is dedicated to providing a safe, clean learning environment for our students and ensuring that there are well-maintained facilities for all District staff and the public. They care for 134 acres of facilities and property.
The Maintenance team is responsible for the operations and repair of seven District buildings including: Cahill, Grant D. Morse, Mt. Marion, Riccardi, the Junior High School, the Senior High School, and the Hildebrandt Building.
The facilities and systems covered by our maintenance crews include: plumbing, heating, air conditioning, masonry, carpentry, locks, doors, floors, ceilings, fire safety, asphalt, concrete, walkways, parking lots, bleachers, elevators/lifts, and fencing and gates.
The grounds team oversees the grounds which includes: landscape, lawn maintenance, and water and storm drain management. They are also responsible for sanding and plowing all roadways and sidewalks on school grounds.
The Custodial Department oversees the custodial operations at the Saugerties Central School District. The dedicated staff members work with each schools’ administrative team to keep schools clean and healthy, while providing a high level of customer service.
Just a few of the many responsibilities the custodial team undertakes in order to ensure a clean, safe and healthy environment include an array of cleaning tasks, solid waste removal, recycling, classroom and gym floor refinishing, and more. In addition to the routine cleaning task, they also handle coverage for Community Use activities, clean up after athletic events, and set up furniture for special events/PTA functions.
The department also works in cooperation with other work groups during construction, renovation, and abatement as well as emergency situations such as; fire, water leaks, vandalism, inclement weather, to ensure schools are ready for occupancy with little or no disruption.
Department Directory
contact us
To email an employee, use the email listed, followed by @saugerties.k12.ny.us
Rich Prinz
Facilities Director
Email: rprinz
(845) 247-6550
Administrative Assistant
(845) 247-6520
Facilities Use request information
For questions regarding Facilities Use Requests, please call 845-247-6520.