Special Education
Useful Web Resources for Parents
Frequently Used Acronyms Terms
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADD/ADHD Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
ADL Activities of Daily Living
AE Age Equivalent
AIS Academic Intervention Services
AIT Academic Intervention Team
AP Advanced Placement
APE Adaptive Physical Education
AR Annual Review
ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder
ASHA American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
ASL American Sign Language
AT Assistive Technology
AU Autism
AYP Adequate Yearly Progress
BIP Behavior Intervention Plan
BOCES Board of Cooperative Educational Services
BOE Board of Education
CAPD Central Auditory Processing Disorder
CCS Coordinated Children’s Services
CDOS Career Development & Occupational Studies
CHP Child Health Plus
COTA Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
CP Cerebral Palsy
CPSE Committee on Pre-School Special Education
CSE Committee on Special Education
CT Consultant Teacher
CTE Career & Technical Education
DD Developmental Disabilities
DDP4 Developmental Disabilities Profile
DOH Department of Health
ECDC Early Childhood Direction Center
ED Emotional Disability
EI Early Intervention
ELA English Language Arts
ELL English Language Learner
ENL English As A New Language
ERSS Educationally Related Support Services
ESY Extended School Year
FAPE Free Appropriate Public Education
FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
FBA Functional Behavioral Plan
FERPA Free Educational Rights and Privacy Act
504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-112)
GED General Equivalency Diploma
IAES Interim Alternative Educational Setting
ICT Indirect Consultant Teacher
ID Intellectual Disability
IDEIA Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act
IEE Independent Education Evaluation
IEP Individualized Education Plan
IESP Individual Education Service Program
IFSP Individual Family Service Plan
HI Hearing Impaired
IH Impartial Hearing
IHO Impartial Hearing Officer
IQ Intelligence Quotient
LD Learning Disability
LEA Local Education Agency
LEP Limited English Proficiency
LOTE Language Other Than English
LRE Least Restrictive Environment
MAPS Management,Academic,Physical & Social (PLPS-Required Sections)
MD Multiple Disabilities
NCLB No Child Left Behind
NYSAA New York State Alternate Assessment
NYSED New York State Education Department
OCR Office of Civil Rights
ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder
OHI Other Health Impaired
OI Orthopedic Impairment
OMH Office of Mental Health
O & M Orientation & Mobility
OPWDD Office For People With Developmental Disabilities
OT Occupational Therapy
OTR Registered Occupational Therapy
PDD Pervasive Developmental Disorder
PLP Present Level of Performance
PPS Pupil Personnel Services
PT Physical Therapy
PR Program Review
PSWD Pre-Schooler With A Disability
RCAL Resource Center for Accessible Living
RCPC Rockland County Children’s Psychiatric Center
RR Resource Room
RS Related Service
RTI Response To Intervention
SAS Supplementary Aids & Services
SDD Significant Developmental Delay
Section 611 Spec. Ed. --- 3 – 21 yr. olds
Section 619 Spec. Ed. --- 3 – 5 yr. olds
SED State Education Department
SEIT Special Education Itinerant Teacher
SETRC Special Education Training Resource Center
SLD Specific Learning Disability
SLI Speech or Language Impaired
SLP Speech/Language Pathologist
SRO State Review Officer
ST Speech Therapy
STAC System for Tracking & Accounting of Children
STO Short Term Objective
SW Social Worker
SWD Student With A Disability
TASC GED - General Equivalency Diploma/Class at BOCES
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
TDD/TTY Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf
TOD Teacher of Deaf/Hard of Hearing
USDE United States Department of Education
VESID Office of Vocational & Educational Services For Individuals
With Disabilities
VI Visually Impaired
VR Vocational Rehabilitation
FSIQ Full Scale Intelligent Quotient
GIA General Intellectual Ability
MR Math Reasoning
NO Numerical Operations
PD Pseudo Word Decoding
PR Perceptual Reasoning
PS Processing Speed
RC Reading Comprehension
VC Verbal Comprehension
WM Working Memory
WR Word Reading
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy Activities
You can help your child continue improving their ability to perform in school by addressing all areas of development when they play and complete school work at home.
The importance of large motor play cannot be stressed enough as being the basis for fine-motor and visual skills. Body coordination develops in a progression- first from the trunk; then the arms/legs/neck, and finally the hands/feet/eyes.
- So...Run...Climb...Jump...Push...Pull...Roll...Balance...Carry
- Change-it-up: go forward...go backwards...go up...go down...go sideways
- This can be done in a variety of ways:
- Typical child play
- Household chores
- Adventures
Activities to Improve Visual Perceptual and Visual Motor Skills
- Completing dot-to-dots
- Mazes
- Complete the drawing
- Look at an item and try to draw it
- Hidden pictures
- Word searches
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Copying and making patterns
- Games – Memory, Chutes and Ladders, Uno, Connect Four, Boggle
- Draw an incomplete shape and have the student finish the shape.
- Search for items in a book, map, dictionary, or encyclopedia
- Copying information from a book (i.e. recipe, definitions, etc.)
- Etch-a-sketch
- Where’s Waldo?
Writing Skills
- Drawing within the lines
- Tracing patterns
- Solving a maze
- Completing geometric designs
- Completing capital letters
- Matching pictured objects
- Drawing/Imitating vertical, horizontal, cross, shapes
- Rubbing: Tape cardboard forms to table-Place paper on top-trace
- Hand lotion/shaving cream/pudding on foil. Child copys letters
- Finger Painting
- Sand or salt trays – trace letters
- Complete drawings and writing on an inclined surface.
- Clay, putty or play dough
Fine Motor
- Travel size games
- Marbles
- Pick up sticks
- Stringing beads
- Placing coins and beads into containers with small openings
- Snack such as Cheerios, raisins and other small snack foods
- Puzzles
- Craft projects
- Lite Brite
- Etch-A-Sketch
- Coloring books
- Multiple games with small parts to manipulate
- Scissor activities
- Kerplunk
- Operation
Hand/Arm Strength
- Rolling, pinching and building with clay and putty
- Squirting items with a squirt bottle
- Picking up items with tongs
- Squeezing a stress ball (make using a balloon and play dough)
- Making baked goods that need to be kneaded by hand
- Crab walking
- Wheelbarrow walking
- Animal walks (student can make them up)
Shoe Tying
- Use two different colored shoelaces for practice
- Select one method & make sure everyone teaching the child uses it
- To keep laces tied, use flat cotton laces rather than round ones.
Registration Application for:
- Non-SCSD Resident Students
- Attending a Non-Public School within the Saugerties School District Boundary
- Requesting a Special Education Evaluation
contact us
Office of Special Education
744 Glasco Turnpike
Saugerties, NY 12477
Jaime Churchill
Director of Special Education
(845) 247-6550
Breanna Boice
District CSE Chairperson/Psychologist
(845) 247-6550 ext. 9210
Melissa Ascarino
Senior Typist
(845) 247-6550 Ext. 9204
Nicole Thomason
Special Education Specialist
(845) 247-6550 Ext. 9201
Debbie Marchetti
Special Education Specialist
(845) 247-6550 Ext. 9202