Dress Code
The Saugerties Central School District has an obligation to help students make positive decisions that lead to success in life, including choosing appropriate dress for a variety of situations. The District has therefore developed a standard of dress and appearance that balances personal expression with providing a school environment that is safe and conducive to learning.
This dress code was developed collaboratively by a committee of teachers, administrators, students, and parents. Students and parents have the primary responsibility for adhering to the student dress code. All adult members of the school community share responsibility for reinforcing and exemplifying acceptable student dress and appearance.
This standard of dress is to be followed during school hours and at school functions by all students. The Principal/Assistant Principal and their designee shall exercise appropriate discretion in implementing this policy, on the basis of students’ religious beliefs or medical conditions, or the nature of special events (i.e. proms, field trips, special ceremonies, etc.).
Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing which is disruptive, revealing, profane, vulgar, obscene, or which endangers the health and safety of others is prohibited. The following are considered to be inappropriate dress and appearance and are prohibited in school and at school functions:
Any dress or appearance that constitutes a threat or danger to the health and safety of students (e.g. heavy jewelry, heavy chains, or jewelry with spikes of sharp edges that can injure the student or others.)
Any form or article of clothing designed primarily for outdoor use, while attending class or before/after school indoor activities (e.g. parkas, rain or trench coats, large jackets, gloves, mittens, sunglasses in the school building unless worn for medical reasons, etc.)
Any form or article of clothing designed primarily for in-home use.
Any clothing or appearance which allows sight of private parts, midriff, or undergarments.
Any dress or appearance that encourages or advocates the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and/or tobacco.
Any dress or appearance that advocates or encourages illegal or violent crimes, or gang related activity and/or colors.
Any dress or appearance that advocates discrimination, insults, is libelous or denigrates self or others based on race, color, weight, creed, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (identity or expression), or sex.
Any dress or appearance that covers or hides an individual's identity (e.g. non-medical related masks, hoods).
Any dress or appearance with messages that encourage or advocate sexual activity.
Any dress or appearance that constitutes a disruption to the educational process.
In addition to the above, the following guidelines apply:
Students may wear hats provided that they allow full face and profile to be visible. This is subject to the discretion of building administrators and individual teachers during classroom instruction.
Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times to ensure personal safety and the safety of others.
Students must be dressed in appropriate clothing and protective equipment as required for physical education classes, participation in athletics, science laboratories, family and consumer science, technology classes, and on playgrounds.
If a student feels uncomfortable being addressed by the staff member regarding dress code issues, that student should request to meet with a different staff member.
Students who violate the dress code will be required to comply with teacher and/or administrator requests to cover or remove the offending item, and if practical, replace it with an acceptable item. Any student who refuses may be subject to further disciplinary action due to insubordination.