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How can I get involved at the District Level?

The Saugerties Central School District and the Board of Education invites anyone to participate in the below District Level activities. 

Board of Education Committees/District-wide work groups

Audit Committee

Assist the Board of Education in the oversight of both the internal and external audit functions. 
Provide a communication link between the external and internal auditors and the Board.

This committee meets quarterly.  

Policy Committee

Evaluates current Board of Education Policies and provides recommendation to the Board to update policies to reflect current regulations and the District Mission.

This committee meets the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30 PM. 

Facilities/Visitation Committee

Assist in the development of the District's facilities plan and oversight of the execution of the facilities plan. 

This committee meets the first Wednesday of every month at 5:00 PM. 

Safety Committee

Review and update District Wide Safety Plan.  Address safety concerns and brainstorm solutions.  This committee meets a minimum of two times per year.

District Leadership Team

A decision-making committee to advise the superintendent on educational goals and objectives to reach the district mission and district goals. 

WELLNESS Committee

Family and caregivers, Students, School health professionals, including mental health, Members of the Board of Education, Food service professionals, School Administrators and Members of the public.  The Wellness Committee is charged with the ongoing review of the District Wellness Policy and recommending modifications, when necessary.  The District Wellness Committee meets at least four times per school year.  

Building Level Groups

Building Leadership Team

A decision-making committee to advise the building leader on educational goals and objectives to reach the district mission and district goals. 

Email the building leader to join. 

Parent Teacher Association

Dedicated to promoting children’s health, well-being, and educational success through strong parent, family, and community involvement.